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Council Board Meeting (January 2021-Conference Call)
January 5 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
January Board Meeting
Video Conference Call for Public Attendees
Please note: The Public is invited to attend via a conference call (i.e., not in person at the SBWC office). The Council Board meets on the first Tuesday evening of every month. This meeting is scheduled from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm. Usual topics include updates on current projects and the nursery, plus regular business requirements. The public is welcome at all meetings. If you would like meeting information prior to the call, please email Dana@scappoosebay-wc.org. See below for instructions on how to participate in the Video Conference Call:
Dial-in number (US): (951) 981-7217
Online meeting ID: sbwc987
Join the online meeting: https://join.freeconferencecall.com/sbwc987
For additional assistance connecting to the meeting text ‘Call Me’ to the Dial-In number above and you will be called into the conference. Message and data rates may apply. Note: We have discovered that Internet Explorer browser does not work with the meeting platform, so please use Chrome, Safari or Firefox to access it or download the Free Conference Call application to run it through your desktop. If you have any questions, or want to try a test run before the meeting, please let Dana know.