Nursery Volunteer Session

Native Plant Nursery 33700 SE High School Way, Scappoose, OR, United States

Come spend time at our  native plant nursery while we take care of our plants. This is a fantastic opportunity to spend some time in the outdoors with some of our lovely volunteers. Though much of the daily work revolves around plant maintenance and upkeep, we do a lot of plant propagation as well. We […]

Columbia County Master Spring Garden Fair

The Oregon State University Columbia County Master Gardeners will be holding their 2022 Spring Garden Fair at the Fair Ground Pavillion in St. Helens Oregon. Not only will there be countless professional Master Gardeners, local venders and numerous gorgeous plants available for purchase. We will also be there spreading the word about our beautiful watershed, […]

Nursery Volunteer Session

Native Plant Nursery 33700 SE High School Way, Scappoose, OR, United States

Come spend time at our  native plant nursery while we take care of our plants. This is a fantastic opportunity to spend some time in the outdoors with some of our lovely volunteers. Though much of the daily work revolves around plant maintenance and upkeep, we do a lot of plant propagation as well. We […]

McCormick Park Work Party!

McCormick Park 475 S 18th St, St Helens, OR, United States

The Scappoose Bay Watershed Council and the City of Saint Helens Parks and recreation program are partnering together to remove noxious weeds such as English Ivy, English Holly, Lesser Celandine and Shining Geranium to help improve the habitat and support native plants along Milton Creek. Milton Creek is known to be an anchor habitat for […]

Nursery Volunteer Session

Native Plant Nursery 33700 SE High School Way, Scappoose, OR, United States

Join us at the Scappoose Bay Watershed Council Native Plant Nursery each Thursday to help us care for our numerous native trees, shrubs and flowering plants! There are many tasks that are accomplished each week at the Nursery which may include. Weeding our container plantings Transplanting or potting up our native plants Propagating native plants […]

Nursery Volunteer Session

Native Plant Nursery 33700 SE High School Way, Scappoose, OR, United States

Join us at the Scappoose Bay Watershed Council Native Plant Nursery each Thursday to help us care for our numerous native trees, shrubs and flowering plants! There are many tasks that are accomplished each week at the Nursery which may include. Weeding our container plantings Transplanting or potting up our native plants Propagating native plants […]

Nursery Volunteer Day

Native Plant Nursery 33700 SE High School Way, Scappoose, OR, United States

Join us at the Scappoose Bay Watershed Council Native Plant Nursery each Thursday to help us care for our numerous native trees, shrubs and flowering plants! There are many tasks that are accomplished each week at the Nursery which may include. Weeding our container plantings Transplanting or potting up our native plants Propagating native plants […]

Weeds and books at the Scappoose Library

Scappoose Library 52469 SE 2nd Ave, Scappoose, Oregon

Join the Scappoose Bay Watershed Council at the Scappoose Library for a conversation about the weeds that cause us the most trouble in our area. We'll help you learn how to identify and what you can do to help control their spread. We'll also recommend some books at the Scappoose Library about plants, gardening, and […]