Spring Clean Up at the Scappoose Bay Marina (April 2021)

Join the Scappoose Bay Watershed Council for our yearly spring cleaning at the Scappoose Bay Marina. We’ll be meeting at the Marina on Saturday, April 24 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. Activities will include: Picking up trash Pulling weeds We will have some tools available, but please consider bringing the following items: Work gloves […]

Veterans Park Planting and Workshop

Veterans Park - Scappoose, Or 52590 Captain Roger Kucera Way, Scappoose, OR, United States

Join the Scappoose Bay Watershed Council at Veterans Park as we plant trees and shrubs along the South Scappoose Creek Restoration Project. After the planting or join us later for a workshop to learn how to make tree cuttings so they can propagate your own!

IVY Pulling @ Godfrey Park

Godfrey Park 165 N 2nd St, St. Helens, OR, United States

1-2-3 PULL!!!! Join us this March to pull Ivy at one of our local St. Helens Parks!

IVY Pulling @ Godfrey Park

Godfrey Park 165 N 2nd St, St. Helens, OR, United States

1-2-3 PULL!!!! Join us this March to pull Ivy at one of our local St. Helens Parks!

Plant Sale Prep

Calling all volunteers. Friday night we'll be getting ready for one of the biggest days of the year for our the Native Plant Nursery, the Spring Native Plant Sale. Getting ready the day before helps to ensure that the Plant Sales runs as smoothly as possible. So, Whether you've been volunteering for our nursery for […]

Veterans Park Planting with Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership

Veterans Park - Scappoose, Or 52590 Captain Roger Kucera Way, Scappoose, OR, United States

Join Scappoose Bay Watershed Council and our partners at LCEP as we continue to enhance the banks of South Scappoose Creek with plants and improve water quality. Learn more below or register now by clicking here.     About this event Pre-registration is required and space is limited. All ages and abilities are welcome! A registration form […]

Nursery Volunteer Session

Native Plant Nursery 33700 SE High School Way, Scappoose, OR, United States

Come spend time at our  native plant nursery while we take care of our plants. This is a fantastic opportunity to spend some time in the outdoors with some of our lovely volunteers. Though much of the daily work revolves around plant maintenance and upkeep, we do a lot of plant propagation as well. We […]

Nursery Volunteer Session

Native Plant Nursery 33700 SE High School Way, Scappoose, OR, United States

Come spend time at our  native plant nursery while we take care of our plants. This is a fantastic opportunity to spend some time in the outdoors with some of […]