July 1, 2021 – December 1, 2022
Coho and Steelhead were historically abundant in Brush Creek, but over time, various factors have had a negative impact on the health of the stream and salmon populations. This project will provide a number of ecological benefits along Brush Creek and the watershed. It will install logs, replace an undersized culvert, and increase native vegetation along the stream.

The old culvert didn’t allow fish to pass-through.
Project Details
This project was identified by the SBWC 2018 Strategic Action Plan as an area where improvements can provide significant benefits to our watershed. Degraded in-stream and riparian conditions, including fish passage barriers, stream channelization, lack of large wood and lack of riparian vegetation have all contributed to poor fish and wildlife habitat.
The Brush Creek Restoration project will be beneficial in several ways. The project will:
- Install 180 log pieces to improve stream function by creating additional pools and shading places for fish.
- Replace an undersized and perched culvert with a channel-spanning bridge to address fish passage concerns.
- Improve riparian habitat by planting 5000 native conifers, small trees and shrubs.
The project site is on 1.5 miles of Brush Creek, primarily on Weyerhaeuser property.
Brush Creek is a tributary to North Scappoose Creek in the southern third of Columbia County. North Scappoose flows into Scappoose Bay, the Multnomah Channel and the lower Columbia River.
July 1, 2021 – December 1, 2022
More Information
For more information, contact the Scappoose Bay Watershed Council at 503-397-7904, or email info@scappoosebay-wc.org.
See our December site visit video on the SBWC YouTube Channel.
Scappoose Bay Watershed Council will be working with the following resources.