Hogan Ranch


Hogan Ranch is located on the Scappoose Bay Bottomlands, an important wetland area of the watershed. In 2004 the NRCS acquired a conservation easement on the property, and between 2008 and 2010, the Council conducted water quality and vegetation studies as part of restoration and enhancement efforts.

Water quality monitoring was done to understand the seasonal and yearly changes in water chemistry and depth on three Hogan Ranch ponds and creeks flowing into them. Significant results include a decrease in E.coli levels during the restoration project. Vegetation studies showed changes in plant compositions, including increases in wapato and other natives.

Additional Information

For more information contact the Scappoose Bay Watershed Council at 503-397-7904 or email: info@scappoosebay-wc.org.




Lower Columbia Estuary PartnershipNRCS