Honeyman Creek, a tributary to Scappoose Bay, is an important watershed for ESA-listed Lower Columbia River Chinook salmon, coho salmon, winter steelhead, cutthroat trout, and other species occupying similar habitats. Road and access construction for historical logging practices and rural residential development has blocked fish passage through the system. Portions of the creek also show significant signs of incision and loss of large wood and native vegetation, which are beneficial to habitats critical for fish and other species.
- Example of an area lacking wood along Honeyman Creek.
- Example of a perched culvert on Honeyman Creek.
- Example of an area that lacks riparian vegetation along Honeyman Creek.
- Example of a perched culvert on Honeyman Creek.
The Scappoose Bay Watershed Council has previously corrected five fish passages in the lower portions of the watershed. In December 2017 the Council began work on another project, funded by the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB), to complete designs for the two remaining fish passages on Honeyman Creek.
Contractor surveyed Honeyman Creek from Hwy 30, upstream to Oester Road, approximately 1.25 miles. Topographic surveys were completed through this reach and pebble counts were completed at five locations. Two fish-blocking culverts were surveyed in detail and corrective fish passage designs were completed with cost estimates.
The designs will be used to request OWEB funding for culvert replacement and riparian enhancement.
The photos show examples of:
- Wood lacking along stream
- Perched culverts
- Missing Riparian Vegetation
More Information
For more information contact the Scappoose Bay Watershed Council at 503-397-7904 or email: info@scappoosebay-wc.org.