In 2008, a local community members and neighbors of the park approached SBWC to see if funds could be obtained to restore parts of the park. These concerned members of the community had been volunteering their own time to remove weeds in the park but much more effort was needed to conduct a full scale restoration effort.
After funding was obtained the Watershed Council and its partners, including the City of St. Helens, Management Training Corps, Columbia River Youth Corps, and Scappoose Bay Youth Corps of Scappoose High School, began the removal of about 2 acres of blackberry and 0.5 acres of ivy. The Friends of Nob Hill Park also host a spring and fall weed pull that focuses on English ivy and another invader called lunaria, or annual honesty.
Through these efforts, the park has been dramatically improved to allow wildlife access as well as a place for visitors to enjoy. Where six-foot tall swaths of blackberry brambles once grew there are now trillium, indian plum, and snowberry shoots coming up. After the removal of weeds that were choking out the native vegetation, wildflowers and shrubs began to emerge. The restoration efforts will continue through efforts of dedicated volunteers (see below about work parties!)
The unique hydrology and topography of the site make it home to a diverse array of trees, shrubs, and wildflowers including:
Oregon white oak
- Oregon ash
- Oceanspray
- Indian plum
- Mock orange
- Camas
- Hooker’s fairy bells
- Chocolate lilies
- Trillium
- Fawn lilies
- Larkspur
Work Party
Help maintain trails and remove ivy and blackberry plants at Nob Hill Nature Park in St. Helens, Oregon. The Scappoose Bay Watershed Council and Friends of Nob Hill Nature Park (NHNP) invite you to join the semi-annual volunteer work party on the first Saturday of November and the first Saturday of April from 1pm to 4p.m.
Please bring your own water and snack items. Wear long-sleeve tops, long pants and work boots because there is poison oak at the park. Dress in layers, including rain gear if needed. This work party takes place rain or shine. Meet at 1 p.m. at the City’s Waste Water Treatment Plant at 451 Plymouth Street. After sign-in, there will be a short park tour before work starts.
Nob Hill Nature Park is an approximately 5-acre green space owned by the City of St. Helens. It is located at the south ends of 3rd and 4th streets near historic downtown St. Helens. It can also be accessed from Plymouth St., right across from the water treatment facility (451 Plymouth Street).
More Information
For more information contact the Scappoose Bay Watershed Council at 503-397-7904 or email:
- Friends of Nob Hill Nature Park
- City of St. Helens
- Management Training Corps
- Columbia River Youth Corps
- Scappoose Bay Youth Corps of Scappoose High School
- City of St. Helens General Info Page
- South County Spotlight “Nurturing the rebirth of Nob Hill Nature Park” The Portland Tribune. Mar. 6 2013
- The Chronicle Online “Scappoose Scout Troop Helps St. Helens Nature Park.” St. Helens Chronicle. Feb. 29 2012
- The Chronicle Online “A work party from the Friends of Nob Hill help install a walkway and fresh gravel on a trail in the St. Helens park.” St. Helens Chronicle. Dec. 14 2012
- The Chronicle Online “Oregon’s native white oak trees are unique in many ways” St. Helens Chronicle. Aug. 24 2011