Restoration construction and significant riparian vegetation activities were completed by Winter 2019. Additional monitoring and plant maintenance will be ongoing for the next few years. The creek has historically provided habitat for Coho salmon and Steelhead, but over time, changing conditions of the creek have had a negative impact on the health of the stream. This restoration project restored and improved this critical fish and wildlife habitat, while addressing erosion and flooding concerns.
Fall 2019: We are working on designs for a potential next phase of restoration to a stretch of South Scappoose Creek, north of Veteran’s Park.
Fall 2018: Construction for this project started in July 2018 and was completed in September 2018. Riparian planting will continue through Spring of 2019. Additional monitoring and plant maintenance will be ongoing for the next few years.
- Before: Bank failure along South Scappoose Creek.
- After: Bank layback helps minimize erosion and stream flow.
Project Details
Over time, conditions of the South Scappoose Creek have changed due to a number of natural factors. Some of these factors include erosion, stream channels being confined or cut off from the creek, changes to the stream bed itself, and an increase of invasive plant species along the creek. As a result, stream water temperatures have increased, banks have become less stable, and it is difficult to access the creek. All of these changes have had a negative impact on the health of the stream and riparian habitat.
The South Scappoose Creek Stream Restoration project will be beneficial in several ways. It will enhance fish habitat by improving conditions and creating a healthy environment to sustain fish and wildlife diversity, including significant Coho salmon and Steelhead numbers. In addition, it will make the creek more accessible to the public, as well as create a larger floodway that will help reduce impacts to adjoining properties during flood events.
The SBWC will be working on outreach and education and expects to have volunteer opportunities for community members interested in the restoration – particularly with the native vegetation planting activities.
Grant Concept & Design
Working with the City of Scappoose, the Scappoose Bay Watershed Council (SBWC) has been awarded a Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Grant of $265,865, to implement stream restoration activities. The funding is part of a Willamette Mainstem Anchor Habitat Investments Program grant that includes $95,813 for a restoration project on the lower North Scappoose Creek in 2019. The City of Scappoose is contributing over $75,000 to the project as well.
Two previous studies of South Scappoose Creek, done in 2009 and 2013, developed restoration designs to address stream conditions. Proposed actions include bank laybacks to minimize active bank erosion and provide channel capacity during high flows, floodplain benches to increase floodplain interaction during seasonal flood flows, and side channel reconnections to access historic off-channel areas.
This project will do additional hydrologic surveys and modeling, final engineering designs, and construction of restoration activities. Following restoration construction, any remaining invasive plants will be removed, and the area will be planted with up to 9,000 native trees and shrubs along the riparian corridor.
The project area spans two parcels – the creek through Veteran’s Park, as well as the parcel immediately upstream of the park, south of SW JP West Road. All work is being done on the west side of the creek.
The project is scheduled to complete designs and permitting in winter 2018, with construction in mid-to-late summer 2018. Vegetation planting will occur between November 2018 and April 2019.
More Information
For more information contact the Scappoose Bay Watershed Council at 503-397-7904 or email:
Support from key SBWC partners – the BPA and the City of Scappoose – has been essential for this project. Additional project partners include the Columbia Soil and Water Conservation District, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board.
Project Photo Gallery
See more photos of the project during the restoration. Gallery is below at the end of this page.
- Protecting a tributary. (8/5/18)
- Starting work on north end of Veteran’s Park. (8/5/18)
- Starting work on north end of Veteran’s Park. (8/5/18)
- Installing wood piles. (8/16/18)
- Working on small stream at north end of park. (8/16/18)
- Adding stream rock and boulders. (8/16/18)
- Installing wood piles. (8/16/18)
- View of wood pile installation from the creek. (8/23/18)
- Completed section that includes wood pile installation. (8/24/18)
- New sloping banks looking north. (8/24/18)
- New sloping banks looking south. (8/24/18)
- Laying back banks on south side of project. (8/27/18)
- Completed small tributary at north end of Veteran’s Park. (8/28/18)
- Before: Disconnected side-channel on south side. (8/28/18)
- After: Construction to reconnect side-channel. (8/28/18)
- New side-channel on south parcel. (9/5/18)
- New side-channel on south parcel. (9/5/18)
- Installing wood structures in newly created side-channel. (9/5/18)
- Installing wood structures in newly created side-channel. (9/5/18)