In 2000, the Scappoose Bay Watershed Council (SBWC) completed a watershed assessment for the streams and catchments that enter Scappoose Bay.
The watershed assessment identified several areas of concern affecting watershed and ecosystem health. Concerns include sediment delivery into Scappoose Bay, loss of high quality spawning and rearing habitat for salmonids, and incision within many of the primary channels. Of particular concern was the potential impact that channel incision has on channel and floodplain interaction and the ability of the stream to support and maintain the physical habitat features that provide for good aquatic habitat.
A five mile stretch of South Scappoose Creek that flows through the City of Scappoose was determined to have high priority for further assessment. This segment is characterized by an incised channel, severe bank erosion, lack of a continuous riparian corridor, a half dozen road crossing that have constricted the channel and floodplain, and urban encroachment into the historic floodplain. It was identified as a priority for further assessment due to local concerns about erosion and flooding and the opportunities to enhance conditions for salmon and other organisms that rely on high quality aquatic habitat.